Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Do you ever think about the different kinds of friends you have? Do you have different ways you describe them? I have my best friend, really good friends, and "fluffy" friends. No, I don't mean fluffy as in fat...I mean they remind me of marshmallows (and I will admit, it's a term my sister used first) It fits so well!

Alex is my best friend. I tell him everything -the good and the bad- and he knows me like no one else ever has or will. He understand me better than others do, and he loves me in a way no one else could.

I have a couple of really good friends, the ones that I talk to about my struggles, the ones who I don't just say "I'm fine" to when they ask me how I am. The friends who have been there for me and prayed for me even when things got tough or if I complained to them, etc. They're willing to tell me when I have a problem that I'm not seeing, and they're willing to give me a kick in the butt if I need it. 

The fluffy friends are the people I know that when we happen to get together we always get along just fine, maybe we'll talk about the weather and trade a few minor complaints, meet up for coffee every once in a while. Maybe we'll exchange texts and of course we'll always mention how we should get together again soon. But there's not really a real relationship. There's not much substance there, and little value besides making things a bit sweeter on occasion, like a marshmallow.

Anyway, that might not have even made sense, but I have been thinking about friendships a lot. The term seems to have changed since facebook. And I guess I've sort of been wondering...what kind of a friend am I? What kind of a friend do I want to be?


  1. hmm. I never really made the connection that facebook could be part of the changing of "friends". I guess it really is though! Also, I'm thinking that I'm probably a little bit of each, depending on who the other person is, but that I should probably work on changing that.

  2. I was sitting here enjoying a mug of hot cocoa, with marshmallows, and was not really expecting a thought provoking post. :) I think we almost need the 'marshmallow' friends, if only for those few moments of extra sweetness...but I know that as soon as I pursued one of my former 'marshmallows' (i really like that word, can you tell?) we became pretty good friends :)

  3. Yeah, me too Heidi. Although, there are times when trying to change that is pointless if the other person doesn't care.

    Yeah, that makes sense Erin :) But not when there are so many marshmallows you can't taste the cocoa...
