Thursday, March 31, 2011

A sanctuary?

 Lately I have felt like my privacy is being invaded. It's because of a situation that I never really expected to face, never thought about, and something that I'm just not quite sure how to handle. You see, Alex and I live in an apartment complex, there are 4 apartments in one building and we recently had some neighbors move in right next to us. This young couple is not married, and yet they share things that are only meant to be shared with a spouse. I hurt for them, the world has so corrupted something that is supposed to be so pure and wonderful. I can only imagine how hard they try to convince themselves that they are happy. But at the same time, the fact that they have the lifestyle they do -and that the walls are so thin that I unavoidably hear what is going on next door- has changed my safe haven. My bedroom no longer feels like an escape, a sanctuary for Alex and I to be away from prying eyes, away from stress and worry, away from the rest of the world. Now I feel like there are invaders. I know that we may end up hearing our neighbors again at any point, and I don't want to. I think it would be different if they were another young married couple, I could perhaps laugh it off in embarrassment. But they're not, and I feel like they are making a mockery of what Alex and I have tried so hard to be a good example in: sexual purity and a marriage that shows the love of Christ and His bride...
  I can't seem to express very well what I feel. I don't feel angry at these people, I don't hate them, I don't wish them anything bad. I just want so much to help them, to have some way of telling them how hurtful what they are doing is, of telling them about how wonderful and happy things could be if they would just follow the clear guidelines our Creator has given us...


  1. mmm, I know this very feeling all too well. So sorry! It is sad, heartbreaking, really. It is too bad that our world has gotten to this point.
