Saturday, March 5, 2011


  I know I seem to be thinking/talking about food a lot recently, but, I said the other day that I was going to try making more cinnamon apple bread, so I figured I would let y'all know that I did. I couldn't find the recipe I had used the first time, so I did a google search and I ended up using this recipe. The reviews made me nervous about following 'as is', so I did end up making a few tweaks. I also was reminded that I only have one bread pan, and no bread I used a bundt cake pan. Once it was done baking I let it cool slightly then drizzled warm caramel on top and sprinkled it with chopped pecans. it turned out pretty good! There's no way just Alex and I are eating the whole thing though, so I'm pretty sure we'll be taking it to church tomorrow to share.


  1. Um, DELICIOUS! Can I have some pleaaaaassseeee? Love you girl! Thanks for being there for me this week :)

  2. Oooh! Can I have have a piece? Pretty please?

  3. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ship food like might be past it's prime by then anyway, but I'll make you some when you come visit me Laura!! Love you too, and I'm so glad to do what I can!! *hugs*

    Hehe, I could make you some whenever we happen to see each other next, Heidi..or I could tell you my super secret tweaking methods...

  4. yeah yeah! you can make me breakfast one of the days you're here! :D (The super secret tweaking methods would be good too)

  5. mmmm that looks awesome! I made chocolate muffins from a box this morning...ehh, ok.

  6. Ooh, breakfast! Sounds like a plan!!

    Thanks Erin! I have a killer chocolate chocolate chip muffin recipe if you want it! It was pretty easy if I remember right.
