Tuesday, February 1, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge -Day Twenty-One

Day Twenty-One: Post a picture of something you wish you could forget
I almost wanted to be more serious about this post, but really, who would want to post a post a picture of something they really truly wished to forget? Much less post it on the internet for anyone to see and read about. Then I was going to go with something slightly less serious: a picture of something I regret but didn't necessarily want to forget. But I ended up with this. I wish I could forget ever having eaten an octopus!! It didn't have much flavor, but it was rubbery as all get out! The idea that I actually ate that little thing still makes me shudder...


  1. All I can do it laugh! That does look rather um... like I would not want to eat it, and definitely would wish to forget it if I did :P Yick, no octopus for me ;)

  2. yeah, I wish I could forget your eating of an octopus! :D
