Monday, February 7, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge -Day Twenty-Six

Day Twenty-Six: post a picture of something that means a lot to you

 I have been trying to avoid repeat pictures, so while there a lot of things that mean more to me than my he is! Isn't KitKat a cutie?? He's not much of a snuggler, but he does need attention. He likes to either sleep at my feet, or lay beside me on the couch. KitKat also plays fetch, which I didn't know cats would do. He's a lot of fun and very spoiled. I love my cat :)


  1. You forgot to mention he growls at strangers, quacks when eating, chews on wood... :D KitKat's great!

  2. Awww... KitKat! What a cute name :) I love it!

  3. isn't he the clepto kitty, too?

  4. Well, he also eats paper, and sits at the table during meals, and thinks he is an alarm clock, or that we are dead if we sleep in past 11, haha.

    Thanks Laura! Heidi actually named him. He had stripes like the inside of a kit kat bar when he was little.

    Yes, Erin, he is a klepto! Just yesterday he stole a hair clip from beside me on the couch, tried to eat it.
