Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The late night ramblings of a tired woman...

For some reason I just haven't been in much of a writing mood the past few days. I do have so many thoughts going through my head, and so many things I want to say, but once I start typing none of them sound right. Oh well, perhaps I should stop thinking so much and just type...

I have to admit that sometimes I get annoyed when people say things about Alex and I being in the "newlywed stage" still and then add

   "You won't be sitting that close in a few years"
  "Give it some time, you'll be happy to have some times apart", etc.

Why does the "newlywed stage" have to end? Should I really expect to get tired of holding Alex's hand or sitting next to him?  Should I expect to want  to spend time away from him? To just become blase about the fact that we're married, that he's my best friend, and that God has done some pretty amazing things in our lives to bring us together?

  Honestly, I think it's a choice. We choose to love each other the way we do. We -quite literally- spent every bit of the first three months we were married together. Alex wasn't working and neither was I, everything we did we did together. That didn't lessen our enjoyment of spending time together. Sure, we've had a few misunderstandings, we had to sit down and talk about things, we've done things that -had we realized how the other one would feel about it- we wouldn't have done. But, we've been married for over five months now and I'm still so amazed that I get to wake up every morning knowing that I have such a wonderful man as my husband, that I get to have the honor of watching him sleeping and knowing that we will be together for the rest of our lives! There are times when we look at each other and can't help but grinning, "I'm married to you!!"  It gives me such a feeling...I can't even explain it...I tell him "I love you" but the words seem so feeble compared to what's in my heart.

  I realize that after a few years, it may not be quite the same exciting and wondrous feeling to realize that I'm a married woman. Maybe we'll have a few kids and end our days tired and worn out, maybe Alex will have started to go bald, maybe I'll have put on a few more pounds...but I think it is very possible, and completely probable, that it will still make me feel safe and happy to have Alex hold my hand, that we will still take every red light as an opportunity to share a quick kiss, that we'll still hug each other a lot, that we'll still kiss in public, and insist on sitting beside each other if at all possible. I know that having spent that time together we will have been able to work on having our love become stronger and deeper than it is now. I am already so much closer to Alex than I was when we got married, and I love him so much more! (Yes, that is even after having discovered that he has terrible morning breath ;)

So...I guess all that rambling was to say this: I hope, and am rather certain, that in two or three years time Alex and I will probably still be in our "newlywed stage" where our whole relationship is exciting and wonderful, and such an undeserved blessing.


  1. With that attitude - I'm sure you will be :) And if you have moments you don't feel like've got this to come back to, read, and be reminded of just how wonderful a man and marriage you have! :)

  2. Haha! Absolutely! We have seven weeks left till our 5th anniversary, and we still get "accused" of being "newlyweds" or"honeymooners" I find this amazingly womderful to read, I'm so very happy for the two of you!

  3. Awwwwwwww... that is beautiful and sweet :)

  4. Indeed, Larissa, that is a great idea :)

    Wow, will it really have been 5 years? Where has the time gone! I'm glad you liked reading it, and thank you!! I really am very happy :)

    Thanks, Laura! :D
