Friday, February 18, 2011

Fifty things

In honor of this being post number 50 for me, I decided I would make a list of 50 things you may, or may not, know about me and my quirks. (Other than number 1, these are in no way ordered by importance!)

1. I am a born again Christian, and it means so much more to me than just going to church. Christ has changed my life in so many ways! I owe everything to Him.

2. I used to really want a big dog: St Bernard, Pyrenees, Newfie...But I prefer cats now. Cats are so independent and choosy, there's something special about having one actually like you. (Not to mention they smell better, and are much easier to clean up after and train!)

3. I have thought it would be fun to have some sort of a bakery. I just don't know how well I would do trying to make large quantities of desserts.

4. I love journals. It's amazing to have a brand new journal and flip through all the blank pages imagining filling it up with thoughts about my life. Sometimes the first page is the most difficult...writing on all that perfect clean paper.

5. Sometimes I fancy myself a writer, but then I go and read something truly well-written.

6. My dream car is a Dodge Viper convertible. Snake green is the best :D

7. I happen to like ice cream, to the extreme! Not plain chocolate though, it doesn't really taste like chocolate.

8.  I am very quiet and shy when I meet someone for the first time. I have been trying to be better about this though because I have noticed that it intimidates some people.

9. I very much enjoy painting and decorating! At one point I was looking into interior design as a career. I annoyed my poor younger sisters when we shared a room, I always wanted things "just so".

10. I love flowers!! They are so pretty, and smell so good. I think carnations may be my least favorite, they kind of smell like pepper. I currently have a calandiva, and a hyacinth in my house :)

11. I sometimes wonder how I ended up with the wonderful man who is my husband, I am so very thankful that I did though! I don't deserve him!

12. I am a perfectionist, but only for things I do. I don't require perfection from others.

13. One of my biggest goals is to touch the lives of other people in a positive way, even if just to smile at the ignored wal-mart greeter.

14. I am very much a behind-the-scenes sort of person. Let me help, but direct the spotlight elsewhere! I would much prefer doing dishes and helping with clean-up to being one of the speakers or entertainers.

15. Speaking of clean-up..I enjoy cleaning! I know that makes me weird ;) There's something relaxing and happy about making everything look better, cleaning dirt and dust, sorting through messes...

16. I text a lot. I usually send out about 2,000 a month. I pretty much only have 4 people that I text regularly though.

17. I have had a very wide assortment of nicknames. Anywhere from "Knuckles" to "Cakie" to "Angel", just to list a few.

18. I went through a period of depression about a year and a half ago, it has given me the experience to help others who struggle with the same thing. There is a way to beat it!

19. My husband is my very best friend, I tell him everything, love being around him, and miss him when he's gone, even if it's just for a few hours.

20. I am not one of those people who feels better after working out. Exercise makes me feel terrible about myself because I always feel like I should be in better shape than I am in..regardless of how often I do it I always dislike it. This doesn't refer to what I call "accidental exercise" aka playing a game of backyard football, helping friends buck hay, taking a long walk in the park with Alex...

21. I wear skirts a lot. Sometimes I feel like people may think I'm weird because of it, but I never want to change what I do, or wear, just so I can fit in.

22. I very much like scented candles! My favorites right now are called "Exotic Woods" which kind of smells like a blend of pine, cinnamon, and sunshine; and "Pumpkin Pie" which is kind of self-explanatory :)

23. I like pictures a lot! It used to be that I wouldn't leave the house without a camera and extra batteries in my purse, which lead to the 8,000 pictures now on the laptop. I'm not even that great of a photographer.

24. I was bit by a spider when I was 11 and almost lost my arm. I am now very much paranoid about spiders! I think they are the one physical thing I am afraid of.

25. Other things that scare me are more..ideas. Like failure or loneliness, or having someone disappointed in me.

26. I love music! Sometimes music says things that I never could put into words, other times it just cheers me up, or makes me want to dance, or it helps me cool-down when I'm angry. I find it very easy to memorize songs.

27. Alex was my very first boyfriend!

28. Alex and I have already picked out a couple of baby names we like in case I ever get pregnant.

29. I almost never wear make-up. Sometimes it is more of a bother than anything else. I do wear it when I want to look really dressy, or more grown-up.

30. I have a pretty good photographic memory, I remember unusual details very easily. (Do you want to know what I was wearing when Alex first asked me out?) However, I am not very good at remembering phone numbers.

31. I like making my own recipes. Tonight what started out as cheeseburger rice for dinner, ended up as a thick, spicy beans and rice dish. I need to start writing recipes down!

32. There are some days when I just want to put on a pretty "princess" dress, wear makeup, re-do my nails, and curl my hair. I guess that means I'm a girl.

33. I really like shopping, but I hate spending money. It has to be either something I really, really want, or a really good deal for me to buy something that isn't a necessity.

34. It makes me feel so special when Alex sings to me, and I happen to think he has a fabulous bass singing voice!

35. My feet and/or hands tend to get cold really fast.

36. Spring is my favorite season! Everything is so fresh and new, flowers are blooming, baby birds are hatching. So lovely!

37. Phantom of the Opera is one of my favorite movies. We were watching this movie the first time Alex ever held my hand.

38. Hershey's kisses are my favorite candy, so simple and sweet.

39. I don't own a pair of plain white socks. All of my socks are brightly colored, or have silly designs on them.

40. I really enjoy drawing but haven't taken out my sketchbook for ages! I want to start sketching again.

41. I have a strange dream almost every single night. There are times when I wish I would not remember them..and I dream in color.

42. My favorite type of humor tends to be sarcasm. Don't worry if I tease you, it's my way of being friendly. I wouldn't ever tease someone just to hurt their feelings!!

43. At this very minute I can't even be sure what mood I'm in. I feel a bit excited, and tired, and reflective, and worried, and content...

44. I tend to worry too much, even about things that I have no power to change. Something that has helped me is this: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 (NASB)

45. I have lived in only 4 different states in my lifetime.

46. I don't really like cake, unless it's ice cream cake! I much prefer pie with ice cream, cheesecake, or some sort of fruit cobbler.

47. I have very long hair, but half of the time it just ends up in a ponytail.

48. I think I would be considered "sensitive" I very much dislike displeasing people, I don't handle being called names very well, and I take every mean comment to heart, even if I don't show it outwardly.

49. I tend to laugh when I am experiencing physical pain. There are few hurts that can make me cry.

50. I like when I get freckles in the summer :)

There, you probably learned something new about me. I hope that I didn't bore you!!


  1. I LOVE this post, Sadie! Great job! It's so neat to learn new things about my friends :)

  2. I did learn things!

    Number 7 (about choc icecream), 21 (skirts), 25 (things that worry you), 33 (shopping and money), 41 (dreams), 48 (sensitivity) and 50 (freckles) also describe me! I'm glad I'm not the only one! :P

  3. can't tell we're related :) there are an aweful lot of those numbers that describe me too. Love you bunches!

  4. That's neat Larissa! Aren't you one of my "triplets" on the forum?

    We are a lot alike in some ways Erin, in other ways I wish I was more like you sometimes. Love you too!!

  5. Liked this Sadie - good idea. Does give me some new insights to consider! Love ya Deena
