Wednesday, February 2, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge -Day Twenty-Two

Day Twenty-Two: Post a picture of something you wish you were better at.
There are a lot of things I wish I was better at. I wish I could be better at making friends, better at just being myself, be a better writer, better photographer, a better singer...I could go on. I decided that I wish I could be better at making my voice be heard. I have a lot to say sometimes, but am too shy to try to be loud. I want to help, but feel too timid to offer, want to be a friend, but don't know how to ask. Sometimes I know the answer, but don't want to offend by offering it unasked. So this is me making myself heard: Is there anyway I can be a better friend to you today? Anything I can help you with? Is there anything you are struggling with that I might know the answer to?


  1. Haha, LOVE the picture. It's so funny :) And you are a great friend, Sadie! I'm so glad we reconnected when we did!

  2. Hehe, thanks! It was taken while we were scouting out spots for our wedding pictures the next day, I don't even remember doing that.
    I'm so glad you think so Laura! I'm also very glad we got to reconnect :D

  3. Well, You could come help me mop my house! :P It's still a bit too much for me to do. So, to be serious, prayers for complete healing soon would be great. I'm ready to be back to normal.

    I'm really enjoying your blog! It'll be neat to see what your topic is when the pictures are done. :D Love you!

  4. Hehe, do you still need help Heidi? I could try to be right over *uncertain face* I will continue praying for you!

    Thank you :) It'll be interesting to try to keep up with it...hope you still like it then. Love you too!
