Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Home sweet home

 I'm going to warn you ahead of time that this will probably be a very long post, because I have a lot of pictures!

Welcome to a tour of our home :) I have to admit that I did do a little bit of cleaning up before these picture, not much though because I like to keep it clean anyway. I'm "such a neat freak"-as my younger siblings say.

                        (As usual, you can click on the pictures to"biggify" them :D )
The front door and half of the livingroom

Our table by the door and a closer view of the beautiful plaque my mom sent us.
Corner table and lamp, we want to get another light for this room.
The rest of our couch and part of our "dining room"

Full view of livingroom to kitchen

Our "dining room" :)

The kitchen, I'm planning on getting curtains soon.
My coffee bar :)

Middle of the kitchen

The rest of the kitchen. I have drawings from my little sisters on the fridge :)

The other side of the livingroom

The hallway
The wall hanging my friend, Christa, sent me.

Linen and game closets,bathroom and guest room doorways.

Our front bathroom

View from bathroom doorway (KitKat was following me) Spare bedroom doorway is on the right.

Our guest room/ TV room/ computer room

Entertainment center, Alex's computer desk where he does all his school, and our bookshelf.

Guest room window and bed

The bed and my hope chest (which is hidden in the shadows)
Back to the hallway

View going into the master bedroom

Sink to the master bathroom. I like having the big mirror!

Master bathroom: where we keep KitKat's box

View of the bedroom from by the sink
My dresser, doorway back into the hallway
I love how well this wall hanging ended up matching our comforter!

KitKat's favorite place to sleep and the back door

Alex's dresser
The closet and nightstand. Having the alarm clock far away makes getting out of bed necessary to turn it off :)
 That's all! I hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse of where Alex and I live.


  1. "Biggify"... Hooray for new words! And I love the pictures of the apartment... you've done a wonderful job of making it a home!

  2. You have a gorgeous home!!

    I love all the warm colours!!

    Thanks for the tour..

  3. Thank you! So glad you like it!! :) I'm very blessed to be able to make it a home. it has been so much fun getting to pick our own colors and decor!

  4. It looks great! I particularly love the fact you have a games cupboard! It means you are as much into games as me! :P

  5. Thank you,Larissa! We do have a lot of games. One of our recent favorites is called "hit or miss" So much fun!

    Glad you like it Erin, hopefully you can see it person someday!

  6. :D It's neat to see it all prettied up! I like the "joy" wallhanging that matches the "love" one you did. what's the rest of the writing on it?

  7. Thanks! I still think the love one is better, but it needed to be a set! The other one says "'The joy of the Lord is your strength' Nehemiah 8:10b"
